My Daily Prayer

Thank you God for waking me up this morning.  Thank you for a sweet and a well rested sleep. Thank you for being gracious and merciful to me even when I’m underserving. And thank you for all the blessings you have freely bestowed upon me. Please be with me as I go through my day, and protect me against the forces of darkness that may come my way. Order my steps by faith in your word. May I love you like you love me with my all. 

God help me not to waste any precious time of this day. Help to live each day to the fullness of my true potential. Help me to not hold on to the offence of others to take vengeance.

But to forgive and leave them in your hands. Help me to be fair and kind to people despite their mistreatment. And love those who despitefully use and persecute me. Let not my heart be lifted up in pride, but to always give you the glory.

Give me faith in my weaknesses. So your strength is made perfect in it to keep me humble. In Jesus Christ name I pray amen.

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